Friday 17 May 2013

It's Time

I have girlfriend who is a writer, not only a writer but a fabulous one (you know actually visited the country that she's written about, done her research etc, etc).  Christine Lindsay  She just inspires me.  I've longed to be a writer for as long as I can remember, (you know, thought about romance novels, books about me), but have never really put anything into action (except chapter one of a romance novel that was so sad I gave up and washed my hands of it!)

Blogging will give me that little push I need, even if it's only to get my own thoughts out.  I'm pretty excite about it really.  Daily life, dreams, rants, who knows, but I CAN write about it, and I will!

In a too busy world I've decided to "catch the moment" and make time.  Time for the many, many things I love to do, blogging, crafting, spending quality time with my husband and family.  To pursue my passion of photography. To learn Spanish?  The question is how?  How do I achieve all these things in a world where time is too short and dreams are so big?

This is my first challenge.  To find the time, NO to MAKE the time to do these things without letting the other drab things in life drop.  You know work, housework and the dreaded laundry.

This will be my adventure.  To capture these moments, even if they are just moments and lavish myself in them!  I can hardly wait for my journey to begin!!

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