Tuesday 4 February 2014

2014, Already??!

Now I know it's been awhile since I've blogged, and even the title is really not appropriate,  as we are already in February!  But I guess that' s part of my point! It's not only 2014 already, it's February 2014 already?  Didn't I JUST turn 50?  No, I guess that was two years ago.

In reviewing last year, I'm the first to proclaim it wasn't a stellar year for our family. First and foremost of course, was the passing of my dad.  I mean Dad.  It needs to be capitalized,  I don't know why, it just does.

I find myself questioning where did the time go?  I want to tell him thatI still had questions for him.  I still wanted to watch Jessica's recital with him, the one that he kept asking me to watch with him and I would say yes, can we finish "this" first?Whatever "this" was at the time.  And then there's the picture.  The one I kept wanting to get of just he and I.  You know, the "special" one of just "us". The one I would think about on the drive home and say, Oh for Pete's sake!  I forgot again!  Yes, that one.

Even when I look at his picture now, my heart does alittle "about face" and stands at attention before I smile through my tears and say, "Hi Dad, I still miss you."  Yes I know - He's gone to glory and that I'm talking to myself, but there's alittle part of me that wishes he could hear me.  I know I'll see him again, but that doesn't make the pain any less, or make me miss him any less.

Of course "they", whoever "they" are, tell us that the pain diminishes with time.  I'm not sure I believe that.  My guess is, is that it may just hurt differently, if that makes any sense.

That's where the title of my blog comes in I guess.  2014 already?  Time flies by so quickly.  You hear it when you're younger and it really does go in one ear and out the other.  I tell my grown children with young ones this all the time.  "Enjoy the journey, because this too shall pass - faster than you can imagine."

No where have I come to realize this more, and have it become more real to me than when my Dad passed away.  THAT, that was the wake up call for me.

It's been seven months now, and so much has happened not only in mine and my husband's life, but in the lives of my children, siblings and especially my Mom.  I try to value every day, whether it is a good day or not -  as precious, and I thank the Lord for His many blessings.

This is important for me, because I find that I can easily slip down the slippery slope of discouragement if I focus on the loss of my Dad, or my illness or anything negative for that matter.

So - enjoy this short time we have in this foreign land.  Take pictures when you're with your loved ones, make wonderful memories and TRULY enjoy the journey.

And Dad.........I still miss you. xo.

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