Saturday 8 February 2014

Who Mothers Mothers?

This past week I've been visiting my mom, who lives about three hours away from me.  I love my visits with her.  We are so alike, so much so that people often confuse us for sister's rather than mother and daughter.  (This of course depletes my ego, and replenishes hers!).  Now, I don't really resent this, I rather like it actually, because she IS my friend.  My BFF actually if you'd like to put it into todays lingo.

I think I enjoy these visits the most because I have her all to myself.  Just her and I talking and sipping our wine while we play our favorite Netflix movies.

In the winter I come by bus usually, stay for a week and then go home.  My husband does not like driving in the snow, and if there is even a chance of flurries, there is absolutely no way I can coax him into driving there with me.

Anyways, this visit was just as special as the last one and we had some pretty good talks and some good laughs.  My Mom has the same weird sense of humour as me, so that's always a bonus.

Have you ever heard that question, "Who mother's Mothers?"  I have.  And it really is a good question.  Before my Dad passed away, all us children promised him that we would take care of my Mom.  It was a great concern of his, but it needn't have been, because the girl's (my sister's and I), are especially protective of her, and she is one tough cookie.  Stronger than I ever imagined she would be.  I don't know why I ever doubted this really.  She's managed all six of us on her own many times throughout the years while my Dad was overseas while he was in the military.

To get back to my title - because of an illness I have,  every so often I just need "mothering".  My mom is a good motherer.  (Is that a word?).  She helps me overcome the daily struggles I have coping with the "new me".  The one I have to accept and move forward with in my life.  (At least that's what the doctor's say).

I find that I appreciate her mothering much more now, than when I was a child, but I expect that's pretty much a given, or maybe not?  Maybe there really were kids out there that appreciated the mothering they received as teenagers.  I know I didn't.  I was far too cool for it then, although my Mom and I had a great relationship even back then.  Every so often she would let me skip school so we could spend a special day together.  How cool was that?

But now?  Here when I'm the one supposed to be supporting her, caring for her and making sure she's ok, she's mothering me!

I phone or text my Mom every day.  Even if it's just one or two lines.  I want to make sure she's okay, and not too lonely.  That she doesn't have the flu or is depressed.  The evenings are the hardest for her.  But she is strong.  Even when I've called to encourage her, somehow she always ends up  mothering me in the end.  Not that I mind in anyway, (except for those small winces of guilt I feel after I get off the phone.)

Well Dad, I'm trying to keep my promise.  But you really needn't have worried.  Mom knows I'm there for her when she needs me (and more than that, she relies on her faith in Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ)  -  but I wish sometimes she would let me mother her just a little more.  (Just enough to alleviate my own conscience?).  I hope it's more than that.  I know I've never appreciated her the way I do now, especially the way life is speeding by.   Sometimes I just want to shout, "Slow down!  Life's going too fast!"

I guess it's up to me to slow things down.  To take the time to "enjoy the journey" too.  One thing I know for sure, I don't take things for granted anymore.  Well the important things anyways.  Isn't that what counts?

Thank you Mom. I am truly blessed.

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